Ive been waiting a long time for an affordable flight navigation app for the iPhone. Ive been using PocketFMS for the past years on a Dell Axim, and although PocketFMS has great features, Ive never been too enthusiastic about the user friendliness. Add a sluggish Dell Axim PDA, in-flight crashes or GPS signal lost (and almost impossible to restore) and it was clear I needed something else.
Let me start that I like Air Navigation Pro . Its easy to use and is very responsive. I dont fly that often, so I dont want an expensive solution with high subscription fees. Let me share my experiences after two flights, using a TomTom car-kit (this boosts GPS reception, made it easy to attach my iPhone against the side window of the Cessna 172 and the power cable ensured charging while flying).
The good:
- The interface is like you can expect from an iPhone/iPad app: easy to operate, finger pinch to zoom in/out, drag to move the map, etc.
- The free provided airspace information and free back-ground maps are good enough for me. In fact, I find them more pleasant than PocketFMS.
Not all information from a VFR map is there, but when Im flying I dont care about where all obstacles are (Im flying VFR, and see where Im going; I always do a thorough flight preparation anyhow using official maps, so I know where to expect peculiarities concerning airspace and other need to know restrictions).
- Anti-cluttering works nicely (better than PocketFMS IMHO).
- Airspace filtering: you can set it to only show airspace within plus minus 1000 feet. Very convenient while flying.
- Fast (on iPhone 4)
- The app can be configured to act as a web-server. At home through your wifi connection you can access the app through your desktop web-browser and download flight details (logbook, breadcrumb trail which can be viewed in Google Earth, flight plans).
- Stable. I have not encountered crashes (other than trying to connect to the GoVFR website, see below).
The bad:
- Version 3.5.0 should enable you to upload navigation plans from GoVFR.com. Doesnt work, the app just exits (note: I checked out GoVFR, but as it does not yet have airspace information for the Netherlands, its of no value to me).
- European flight maps (can be purchased) for use in Air Navigation Pro: outrageously overpriced (definitely not "for a fair price" as stated on the vendors website). The US sectionals are indeed very cheap, but paying over twice the amount I pay for a paper copy of a given flight map (that I have only use for in the app) is over the top (compare: almost 40 times as expensive than a US sectional in-app purchase).
- Selection of next way-point algorithm can be improved. For my first flight (with Air Navigation Pro) I was following a navigation plan that was a flight starting/ending at the same aerodrome. This also meant that the paths from and two were close to each other (ca. 15 miles apart). During the second half of the flight, visibility was rapidly deteriorating, so I decided to select "direct" to the airport. As the weather improved again, I loaded the original navigation plan back in. Air Navigation Pro selected the closest way-point, which was on the opposite leg, instead of selecting the way-point I was directly flying towards (I was aiming straight at it and also almost back on the original navigation track). This can easily been improved in a next version.
- There is no link to i-Flyte, the checklist app from the same vendor. Although you can start Air Navigation Pro from the checklist app, it is not possible to do so the other way round. You can use Air Navigation Pro to keep running in the background, unfortunately the checklist app does not, so you always have to start from scratch. I expect to be able
to access my checklists directly from Air Navigation Pro. Shouldnt be too hard to do.
...and the wanted (in other words dear developer: please please please add
to the next version :-)
- Add extensions to files downloaded through the web-server. E.g. adding .kml to a breadcrumb trail, would make it immediately recognizable for Google Earth.
- North up arrow in the map. Although it is very easy to switch between "heading up" or "north up" displays, it is hard to tell where North is on the "heading up" display.
- Flight plan construction: please add rubber-banding, i.e. enable dragging of track between two way-points and creating a new waypoint in-between when letting go. Now adding an additional way point between way points is cumbersome. Also dragging existing user-defined way points should be possible.
- Add the possibility (just like PocketFMS) to upload own (scanned) charts. This would mean all of us with paper copies of approach charts are able (for personal use) to scan them in and use them in Air
Navigation Pro. All it takes are just two coordinates on the map (e.g. top right and bottom left) to ensure it fits in nicely. This is a must IMHO, especially with the current outrageous prices for approach charts.
- Create an overview of all data necessary to file a flight plan (e.g. providing distances from way points from a VOR).
Bottom line: I give this app 4 stars. It will provide you with basic flight navigation functions that should be more than sufficient for the average VFR pilot. If above wishes are addressed, I will happily upgrade my rating to 5 stars.
JamieSD2002 about Air Navigation Pro, v3.5.0